by James Owens | Jan 20, 2022 | CSIA certified
Need chimney care? Or perhaps you’re thinking ahead to the summer months when you’ll want to schedule your annual inspection. Regardless, hiring a team that’s honest, reliable, and that puts your needs first is a must! Why? Well, for one thing, there are unfortunately... by James Owens | May 31, 2019 | Chimney Inspections
Buying a new home, especially for the first time, can be both exciting and stressful. There’s a lot to celebrate throughout this process, but there are also a lot of things to consider and cross off of your to-do list to ensure you aren’t left with a mess once the... by James Owens | Apr 4, 2018 | Chimney Maintenance, Uncategorized
Everything has a breaking point. When you buy furniture, vehicles, appliances, clothing, or any other product, you can count on the fact that, at some point, it will eventually break down or wear out. Even something as durable and long-lasting as your chimney will... by James Owens | Oct 7, 2014 | Chimney and Fireplace Safety, Chimney Maintenance
Would you go to an optometrist if you were having relationship problems? “No!” Would you go to a therapist if you were having problems with your eyes? Again…a resounding “NO!” In both situations, the wrong specialist is being used for something... by James Owens | Oct 28, 2013 | Chimney and Fireplace Safety, Chimney Information, Chimney Maintenance, Chimney Tips, Energy Efficiency, Fire Safety, Venting
Only the Best: Certified CSIA Chimney Sweeps Our chimneys and fireplaces not only look good in our homes, they also bring that much needed warmth we desire. It gives us so much that it’s only fair to give our chimneys the right amount of attention and care. After all,...